Voting with our pockets.. up the google list
I find the four-leafed clover in google's toolbar the ultimate act of trust in a brand. punch whatever you want to know about in the text box, and get ready to be taken straight to where you want to go. But that assumes that you really want to go to the first link in google's search results.
Up until 6 months ago, searching for BVSP in google would take you to the site of the Bundesverband Selbständiger Personalleiter e.V. or to the on of the Bellevue State Park.. but it seems that all it took was a boom cycle in the São Paulo stock exchange (Bovespa) and a few obsessive clickers of BVSP (the yahoo finance ticker for knowing the value of the index).. and now that is the first result in the list.
ainda bem..
Up until 6 months ago, searching for BVSP in google would take you to the site of the Bundesverband Selbständiger Personalleiter e.V. or to the on of the Bellevue State Park.. but it seems that all it took was a boom cycle in the São Paulo stock exchange (Bovespa) and a few obsessive clickers of BVSP (the yahoo finance ticker for knowing the value of the index).. and now that is the first result in the list.
ainda bem..