My uncle's encyclopedia wasn't that cool...
I didn't have an encyclopedia at home when I grew up, but sure I spent whole evenings at an uncle's place just browsing their encyclopedia (it was quite a bit more usage than what my cousins')... but it didn't have features like this.

Ségolène Royal is a key political figure in France, an a candidate on the '07 Presidential Election that will take place on April 22nd. When I went to wikipedia, I found the warning note that you can see above. cool, isn't it? Content that is dynamic enough - and honest enough- to warn the reader that the information on the topic is changing real time.
It actually reminded me of that magic book on the Neverending story film (1984)
I can't stop liking wikipedia ;-) !

Ségolène Royal is a key political figure in France, an a candidate on the '07 Presidential Election that will take place on April 22nd. When I went to wikipedia, I found the warning note that you can see above. cool, isn't it? Content that is dynamic enough - and honest enough- to warn the reader that the information on the topic is changing real time.
It actually reminded me of that magic book on the Neverending story film (1984)
I can't stop liking wikipedia ;-) !
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