Sunday, July 30, 2006

[Yet another] A step closer to seamless transition for Mac-users...

Messenger on a Mac has been less than desirable, but that is not an obstacle anymore:

this week Skype released their 1.5 Beta for Mac, INCLUDING SUPPORT FOR VIDEO.. and that means that the iSight camera is supported.

There's a nice full-screen video view for the PC on the receiver end...

This is certainly another distance killer (both on the distance from Macusers to the rest of the world.. and from conversations between family members that live far from each other).

Now, as per the things it can improve.. it would be nice to see something more than a small thumbnail of the local video.


Blogger Marcos Lacerda said...


I bought a new MacBook with Core Duo. It´s awesome.
Being in front of MacOS for more than a minute the first time is a great experience. But one of the first things that got my attention was the lack of support on Messenger for the camera.
Skype 1.5 is fine. Video works nicely.
But what would be really cool: to have the PhotoBooth distortion effects added on-the-fly while in a videoconf.

P.S.: if you want to read or hear more about the new experiences of two traditional Windows users experiencing MacOS X for the first time, and one pure-MacOS user trying Windows for the first time, visit this link:
(in BZL Portuguese).

[ ]s

8:29 PM  

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