Monday, July 17, 2006

seeing beyond the big, obvious and not-so-telling number...

Google news lists today more than 50 articles about passing 100 Million video views everyday. I can't help feeling that they are missing the point.

When seeing thru the eyes of traditional media that is probably the key figure to focus on. But i'd like to propose other interpretations that tell more about what youtube means instead of just a huge, and rapidly growing number:

- The top 5 most seen videos ever total 65M+ views.. but we're not talking about video segments ripped from NBC, Fox or other mainstream media outlets. The ones we are talking about include Judson Laipply's "Evolution of Dance" performance, and other 4 examples of content created by amateur users that under normal circumstances WOULD NEVER pass the filter that mass broadcasters tend to use to decide what to broadcast or not.
- PR coverage on youtube used to focus on it become a repository of pirate videos, where the copyright is not respected. While that happens, I can't agree about that being the reason of youtube's growth
- The top 10 most commented videos are also amateur videos, whether great guitar performances, creative editing or just good coreography
- Today's top 20 videos include descriptions in japanese, chinese, french, and english.. demonstrating brutal diversity and challenging the usual assumption of how much people care about their LOCAL contant. this thing is really crossing borders. This generation is really so multicultural that it becomes quite hard to spot where the differences start


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