Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Aug 7th: will that be the date/day when Hollywood goes 2.0?

Apple to announce iTunes movie RENTALS at WWDC (story in the link below from digg):
[That's right folks. MOVIE RENTALS. - Because the movies will be rented and not sold, people familiar with the situation report downloads will be coded with a date stamp that will restrict playback.]

It sure does like a big shake-up. Nicholas Negroponte has been hammered enough for how his apocalyptic vision of a non-future for Blockbuster (he pretty much sentenced them to dissappear in his "Being Digital" book by '95) never materialized. He might have to thank Steve Jobs for that.

If it is true, we have a two-fold story:
- How bloggers keep stealing Steve Jobs' thunder consistently. On an era of blogging-driven transparency and voyeurism, not even Apple Computer's legendary secrecy can stand unscathed the winds of change.
- How apple gives yet-another-proof that they can shape the future the way they want it, with vertical integration (Macs, iPods, iTunes, studio deals).

You can bet that I will be "standing in line" (more like in Digg.com's Spy watchmode ;-) ) waiting to see the first options of movies. At a minimum they should be better than the pay-per-view for movies in Silicon Valley hotels.

read more | digg story


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