Monday, June 05, 2006

and now wormholes in the musicsphere...

Not that I had time to digest completely that SIP stuff that I mentioned on the last post... years of mankind knowledge processed somehow and it's essence turned into a map to navigate (thru SIPs) every book written (err.. ok, every book that catalogs, which gets close to that), and jump from book to book.

but I wanted to have digested that, since what I bounced with today was even more interesting. It's called It's hard to simplify evenmore how it works. You tell him an artist that you like, and just press FWD/NEXT: it will take you on a journey through the music industry passing by artists that are "similar".

That "similar" is troubling for me. Somehow this program and/or site is able to find the "essence" of my music taste.. and that is exactly what it uses to navigate. It really feels like jumping from wormhole to wormhole (sorry, last night I saw Jodi Foster again in Contact and the scene is still stuck in my mind) between songs that will most likely... like!.

scotty: beam me up to wherever my "essence" tells you that I would like. cool stuff!, hein?


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5:59 PM  
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12:55 AM  

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