Saturday, April 15, 2006

Vertical mobility (at hyperspeed)...

One of the ultimate engines that drive [capitalist?] societies is vertical mobility (moving up the ladder of social and economic status).
tudying hard, and working hard to ensure that you end up Living better than your parents did. Isn't that engrained in almost everybody?, hasn't it driven many parents to invest heavily on the education of their children? hasn't that idea conquered many readers for Horatio Alger novels?

I look at it as the convection in a lava lamp, generating a constant change from bottom to top (and a short stay at the top).

And is the speed increasing? as globalization drives the capitalism dream of getting to the top fast, sometimes even challenging the importance of education, experience and certainly requiring less and less investment capital in every iteration. Empires are built overnight on top of a winning idea, and even the recently established empires seem challenged by the newcomers. and are rising at an amazing speed in the rank of the top sites with most traffic in the Internet, and one year ago they barely were a blip in the radar. Even when comparing traffic with the much-more-commented, youtube as a pure-play video sharing service already has about 3 times as many users.

Can that lava-lamp effect illustrate the changes in the top 100 ranked sites in over time? is temperature increasing? do we have a taller lamp? and what would it take for a specific bubble to stay in the top? (probably the unrealistic expectation of a company to keep recruiting and retaining the very best brains in the planet.. quite unlikely!).


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