Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What google print is good for (2)...

it took me (literally) years to find again where this comparison between Copernicus, Darwin and Freud came from... and it came with a bonus: finding out how it came from [immodest] Freud himself. The text blow (just for the kicks).. but the amazing think it that it only took <10 seconds in Google Print to find that book

But although his ideas are often dismissed, many thinkers, including the immodest Freud himself, have described his contribution as equivalente to that of Copernicus and Darwin, because all three have systematically dislodged human beings from thinking of themselves as the center and pinnacle of the universe (Burtt, 1954; Butterfield, 1960; Koyre, 1968). Copernicus informed us that the planets do not revolve around the planet Earth, but instead around the sun; Darwin helped us realize that humans are not categorically different from other animals, but instead share common ancestry; and Freud showed how irrational and biologically determined we are, thereby helping us see that our behavior is less intelligente and God-like than we previously thought.

The type of stuff where google print makes a brutal difference (at least for me)...

I'm talking about the capability of looking up a specific reference in a huge collection of books... solving that uncomfortable situation of knowing that you read something, something very specific... but no idea of exactly where is it that it came from. 'coz what we read grows within us, and we own it!!

"Cuando Lucía Peláez era muy niña, leyó una novela a escondidas. La leyó a pedacitos, noche tras noche, ocultándola bajo la almohada. Ella la había robado de la biblioteca de cedro donde el tío guardaba sus libros preferidos.
Mucho caminó Lucía, después, mientras pasaban los años. (...) Mucho caminó Lucía, y a lo largo de su viaje iba siempre acompañada por los ecos de los ecos de aquellas lejanas voces que ella había escuchado, con sus ojos, en la infancia.
Lucía no ha vuelto a leer ese libro. Ya no lo reconocería. Tanto le ha crecido adentro que ahora es otro, ahora es suyo."
Eduardo Galeano
"El libro de los abrazos"

Monday, October 30, 2006

Dusting off an old problem...

... I loved this one back in college, a couple of nerdy friends came all excited from the library with this problem.

think about it.. I'll post the solution later in the week:

One day walking in a street, Caesar meets his old math teacher. Happy to meet him, he says hello to the teacher but he doesn't remember that his teacher answers everything with a puzzle:
-- How are you doing, professor? It's been a long time since we don't meet! Are your daughters ok? How old are they now?
-- Multiplying the three ages you get 36
-- But that's not enough to know the ages!
-- So, add up the ages and you'll get the number of that house.
Caesar starts calculating, but still can't figure out. The professor seeing that he wouldn't be able to find the answer says:
-- The oldest girl plays the piano...
That's what Caesar needed to know to figure out the problem. How old is each girl?

a Macbook gets extra life...

just when my wife was about to throw the towel...(on using her Macbook), Apple posted a firmware update for Macbooks suffering from RSS (random shutdown syndrome).

I digged this story on saturday on RSS and the firmware update:

Also got listed as customer ~1538th at http://macbookrandomshutdown.com/

if you have any friends suffering from RSS, redirect them there... the patch takes <5 minutes to get fully installed, and after it... Macbooks return to their greatness (at least my wife's did)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Steve singing a different AMAZING [grace]..

.. just after his throat surgery
um presentinho para os amigos palmeirenses...

o porquinho tem vontade de segunda divisao, hein?

Corinthians vence o Palmeiras - 1x0

You gotta love Wikisource...

Being able to find this particular story was a big deal for me! I read The Dancing Men from Arthur Conan Doyle back when I was a kid, and I couldn't help but being fascinated by it. (I can't still get rid of the "absurdly simple" qualifier that holmes uses in the first page of it).

Anyway, now the copyright of it has expired, and WikiSource has the short story in the open. here the link, for you to enjoy:

Aging is merciless...

and now we have in GooTube a big chunk of the collective memory to bring those memories close to us anytime.

Have a look at these famous stars years before they were on the big spotlight.
Now I have a hard time getting off my mind the misaligned teeth of Celine Dion, and Jean Claude Van Damme dancing.

Monday, October 23, 2006

wow, he DID find the right recipe...

on the day of the 5th year anniversary of the iPod, watching Steve Job's original announcement just reinforces his reputation as a visionary.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

de repente los 50s no se sienten tan lejos...

dificil que pase una noche de tragos en una cantina colombiana sin sentir esta pieza en el fondo en algun momento... yo no hubiera apostado ni siquiera 10-1 a que la pieza original era francesa... pero de un momento para otro mucha musica de Edith Piaf esta disponible en youtube.

Esto le da otra opcion a los bebes del siglo XXI cuando charlen con sus abuelos... el poder VER a que se referian!!.

la letra en frances en: http://fr.lyrics-copy.com/edith-piaf/la-foule.htm

Apropos iWoz: An Evening with Steve Wozniak

Now that Wozniak's new book (iWoz: from computer geek to cult icon) is out, watch this video. You can almost see his eyes sparking with excitement as he tells the story.

Woz serves up Apple Computer history in his own unique way. Steve will describe a sequence for providing a rational understanding of many of the innovations leading to early Apple designs. He'll look at early company structure, the personalities that influenced him, and personalities within the company. In addition, he'll discuss the reasons he wants to be an engineer for life but not a CEO. Don't miss this sure to be entertaining, informative, and very personal view.