On your marks, set, Go, go, go!!
Today is black friday, then flocks of people will head to their closest consumption temples (malls are around america) since as early as 5am, and start shopping as if there were no tomorrow.
If you sell to a retailer, and you haven't launched your key produce (and even more, ensure that it is on shelf, and promoted), forget about it... you've missed the key window.. 'coz the Holiday season already started, and the retail engines are tuned to perfection to maximize sales for the remainder of the year.
and they don't even have an extra boost in the form of an extra salary like brazil's 13th salary (decimoterceiro salario) or mexico's Aguinaldo (Xmas bonus), or colombia's "prima navideña".. but they don't need it.. the shopping olympics are on, starting today!
If you sell to a retailer, and you haven't launched your key produce (and even more, ensure that it is on shelf, and promoted), forget about it... you've missed the key window.. 'coz the Holiday season already started, and the retail engines are tuned to perfection to maximize sales for the remainder of the year.
and they don't even have an extra boost in the form of an extra salary like brazil's 13th salary (decimoterceiro salario) or mexico's Aguinaldo (Xmas bonus), or colombia's "prima navideña".. but they don't need it.. the shopping olympics are on, starting today!
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