Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bowiechick's breakup.. and broadcasting from a dorm!

Logitech esta de fiesta!.. difícilmente iban a encontrar un mejor showcase de los efectos visuales de sus camaras.

El lunes 20, una adolescente de 17 años desde su dorm room (con afiches y bandera británica en la pared) cuenta cómo terminó con su novio.. por andar diciendo una mentirita piadosa.

Pero al hacerlo en video, en, y jugando con los efectos visuales de su cámara, logró 160k views in youtube en 3 dias (de los cuales ~50% pasaron en las ultimas 24 horas). La mezcla de autenticidad e informalidad debe ser lo que hizo de este video un hit.

Aquí está el link

CNET ya corrió un artículo/blog al respecto tambien!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Forget the TV.. things are really happening faster on your PC!!.

Opa!! faz tempo que fiz o ultimo post. Ahora si tocó:

Mientras estabamos hibernando.. varias cosas estaban pasando:

- 4 or 5 days ahead of the actual Oscars Award Ceremony, the 5 short movies that were nominated were available for download at the iTunes Music Store... that was a quite decent first, especial for being "al sur del Rio Grande"
- Now the only way of seeing Natalie Portman coursing is NOT in NBC gave in an started giving [gratis!!] their jewels in a [desperate?] attept to at least keep the audiences on their site. more @ (ex unge leonis).
- iTunes was of no use for trying to find the controversial [and by now famous scientology+"tom cruise, get out of the closet"] episode of South Park.. but was quite useful for that. here the link
- Fortune Magazine last week states that on Feb 28th got 25M videos viewed (not clear if in that single day)... put that together with a growth curve of this shape
- and in a recognition of what for me means "average jane blogs at ease" look here to see the video that had 85k+ views in a couple of days on youtube.. or even better, see the full vlog here

Who needs more realities in Open TV in LAR.. when there is so much wealth (of content) out there?